Find the answers to your questions about Startup Nation here.
Q: Is Startup Nation a directory listing Greek start-ups per industry or category?
NO. Startup Nation is a directory for organizations offering help or services to start-ups and entrepreneurs. But you can find directories listing Greek start-ups on our site.
Q: Is Startup Nation a directory about all business services and markets?
NO. Startup Nation focuses on services targeting start-ups & entrepreneurship only. Your organization should offer help or services to start-ups and entrepreneurs in order to be listed.
Q: Do I have to be based in Greece or be Greek in order to be listed in Greek Startup Nation?
NO. The following can be listed: Organizations based in Greece offering help to locals or foreigners OR organizations located abroad as far as they are offering help or services to Greek start-ups and entrepreneurs. If your organization is one of the above, and your 'Greek' related offering is visible on your website (i.e. an international event launching in Greece or a fund targeting Greece e.t.c) feel free to submit it.
My organization is not listed. Can I add it or edit it?
YES. Just This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you will be able to submit your organization. Please bear in mind that we review all entries (info, the category and sub category) before we make it public.It would only take a few hours.