gi-Cluster – a corallia initiative

Gaming Cluster

One of the most important traits of the gi-Cluster is that its participants all aspire to become, not only a collection of similar -either complementing or competing- businesses (like e.g. an industrial district or association) but an amalgam of commercial activity and business infrastructure that can develop superior value for all, by exploiting the focused benefits and structured guidance offered within the ecosystem. In that respect, the participants in the gi-Cluster seek to form ties and linkages beyond those of a traditional business network, i.e. not just co-operating on joint development projects, complementing each other, overcoming common problems and achieving collective efficiency, but exploiting the full potential of clustering as a powerful framework for meeting the set strategic targets towards achieving regional economic development. Based on the main cluster development principles, just as Corallia initially introduced in the Greek market, the gi-Cluster hopes to materialise the vision "Develop Regionally – Compete Globally" and help towards establishing an "Innovation Designed in Greece" positioning for Greece, at a global level.

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